Pre-Payment Plan
Exceptional Getaways understands that paying for a trip can be something that may
need to occur over time. The prepayment plan is a personalized payment program.
This is not a savings account. You are paying for your trip in the future over time. A
minimal deposit of $200.00 is used to open your payment plan. After the initial deposit
is made, you can decide when and how much you want to pay for each future payment.
You will receive a statement of your account at least annually or upon request. You
decide which trip you want to attend when you have reached your prepayment goal.
We understand that this process could take years and we will assist you in planning for
your travel goals. A payment receipt will be given to you upon each deposit.
In the event that you change your mind, if something happens to you and you are
unable to go, or if death occurs, the refund will be given to you or your next of kin or to a
designee, less a $100.00 processing fee.
Exceptional Getaways understands that paying for a trip can be something that may
need to occur over time. The prepayment plan is a personalized payment program.
This is not a savings account. You are paying for your trip in the future over time. A
minimal deposit of $200.00 is used to open your payment plan. After the initial deposit
is made, you can decide when and how much you want to pay for each future payment.
You will receive a statement of your account at least annually or upon request. You
decide which trip you want to attend when you have reached your prepayment goal.
We understand that this process could take years and we will assist you in planning for
your travel goals. A payment receipt will be given to you upon each deposit.
In the event that you change your mind, if something happens to you and you are
unable to go, or if death occurs, the refund will be given to you or your next of kin or to a
designee, less a $100.00 processing fee.